Friday, September 4, 2009

And the controversy begins.....

Well, I certainly didn't anticipate the heated discussions that would arise at my household when my last post was published. And it was about the most unexpected topic. It appears my cub (his term) disagrees vehemently with me about the "sexual peak" of women vs. men.

It is his firm assertion that men do NOT hit their peak at 18 but are at their peak anytime later in life (not including those who have physical issues) and hit it anytime they have someone in front of them that they want to have sex with again. In other words, it is all mental, if they want to impress a woman they can perform anytime, anywhere and with all the impressive vigor or finesse required to make her want to come back for more. Furthermore, their lack of impressive performances later in life is purely a symptom of boredom with their wives or partners. They sowed their oats when they were young, tried all the various exotic twists and varieties and therefore have very little that excites them at that point other than perhaps a hot, young nimble thing that they can lust after. Women (ladies), on the other hand, are handicapped early by the norms of society and are not usually inclined to engage in the free sexual explorations that they might like to because it would stigmatize them as "sluts". Furthermore, with age they become bolder and care much less about what society has to say and can finally make up for lost time.  Finally, women are now in a unique position to do as they like and get away with behavior that, as he puts it "if I did that, I'd be labeled a pig".  It's a cool trend now, according to him, to be a cougar or a cub. 

Now I really thought I was on firm ground, medically and psychologically, when I made that "sexual peak" comment.  I still believe it, but I have to be open to the possibility that his argument could hold some merit.  I mean, I see major holes in that theory but one has to give pause and ask yourself "Do men really think this way?".  Is this just a minority opinion?  Or is this a pervasive impression that men have?  I'd really like some feedback on this.  Could men just have trouble with the thought that most of their lives they are losing something while women are gaining?  Or is that just a self serving concept for women? 

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